Life in Theory: Get some important things done.
Life in Reality: Get some really important things done but feel like a failure.
Life in Reality: Get some really important things done but feel like a failure.
Because some days, all you do is wipe noses. Nothing gets checked of the to do list, the house only gets messier. And feeling like a complete failure sets in.
what about today? If we didn't get anything done, why does it feel like
we've worked so hard? Why are we ready to fall asleep as soon as the
kids are put to bed? Why does it feel like we've run a triathlon?
think a new saying should be started. "Make it an Only Day!" When I have
a day, when I only take care of my children, then I've done something
right! I've set my priorities in order! If nothing else happened in an
entire week, it would be a victory.
Because really... what is more important?
we can't do that, we have to do those other not so important things.
Bills have to be paid, dishes have to be washed, and for some reason we
think facebook has to be checked.
the next time the world is tricking you into believing, you've only
taken care of your children and you're feeling guilty....change your
mindset to, "Oh thank God, I only took care of my children. I got the
most important job done today!"And once you've done that, then you can see if you have time to waste on the other junk ;) Because when you've only raised children, you have got more than enough done for the day!
Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.
So true. It's so hard to remember not to find our worth in what other people consider successful. But what a precious blessing that we get to raise our sweet children and have the opportunity to invest in our worlds future by raising children who are kind and compassionate ect...