Saturday, February 15, 2014

Fist Bump

Reality Check
(Day 5)

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
1 Corinthians 13:6

Today we are featuring a special guest post from Cassandra Finkes. She is well known for being an encourager! Read, enjoy and be encouraged!
I was thinking about a study I read in Dr. Dobson’s book, Bringing Up Girls; the top ten reasons for depression in women. More than 50% of women listed self-esteem of some sort as their number one issue. At least 80% listed it in the top five. (Check out the book for more specific details).
This really made me think that we should make a dedicated effort to help tear down the lies that each of us ladies has brewing in our heads. It lead me to believe that most of us are struggling with some self-esteem issue on a daily basis. That something is the enemy and our flesh lying to us and holding us in bondage. Jesus calls us to be confident and bold in Jesus Christ! As my pastor said in one of his sermons; we have all the power in the world to break through these bondages but we let a tiny chain hold us down. (This was referring to an illustration about how elephants as infants are held by a chain and that same chain keeps them in check even as adults, despite them being more than able to break the chain. But their life has convinced them that the chain is able to keep them from going beyond it.) Not only does God give us more than what we need to break through all of this bondage; He gave us each other to, “Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” (Heb 3:13). It’s our job to build each other up so that we are not held in bondage by the lies in our heads. SO.... let’s actually do that for one another!!!
God has searched us and knows the innermost parts of our beings... we were fearfully and wonderfully made! His thoughts are precious toward us even though He sees the deepest parts of our souls and searches every part of us! Why then do we tear apart ourselves with hurtful words and thoughts? It's like we are spiting on God’s creation and saying, “What you made was not enough.” Let's find joy and comfort in knowing that our God made us and made us with His perfect hand. We can be sure that Jesus has made us new in Him. So even when we think; “We’ve messed up Gods creation,” we can be reminded, that we aren’t big enough to void out what Jesus did for us on the cross!
Practice: Have you ever been at a store and watched a child throw a tantrum and toss their stuff to the floor? Then lean over to your friend and whisper how the mother should…. Mothers this can be especially true of us, but many are guilty. If you are a mother, how many times have you seen or heard someone whisper about your parenting and suddenly felt like a failure. Or a past comment makes you feel like a failure the next time it happens? Let’s kick this habit of putting others down (regardless of what we think of the situation). Chances are, we don’t even know the whole story. Instead let’s jump in and help! When little Tommy throws a fit and throws his mom’s purse to the floor. Instead of whispers (that encourage those lies and bad self-esteem), grab the purse and say, “It’s tough being a mom.” Or “Not every mommy (or daddy) moment is glamorous, keep up the good work!” Be an encourager, seek out ways to break our flesh and satan’s lies! While you’re at it, today set a time aside and read Psalm 139:1-18

Family Activity: Discuss what being an encourager looks like (and what delighting in evil looks like). Help your kids point out opportunities to encourage others. Maybe think of a friend or family member to make an uplifting and encouraging card for.
Share ideas on how you can give a "fist bump" of encouragement!

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